Electronic Signatures
TopMedia Social NED Electronic Signature in documental processes
Through the Sign4Top web app
Through the Easy Contract solution
TopMedia Social NED Electronic Signature in documental processes
Use of electronic signatures is increasingly expanding, together with the growing diffusion of the IT document in the company; in particular, the electronic signature finds its best use in the context of processes. Until now, electronic signature has been used by companies above all in the "automatic" signature mode, i.e. applied massively by software specifically for documents to be digitally preserved, those of the Payslips or B2G XML electronic invoices, without the need of the signer’s physical presence.
The solutions provided by Top Consult ensure to sign documents digitally in interactive, massive and automatic mode.
The functions of the TopMedia Social NED platform safely apply, complying with the law, electronic signatures in the context of the electronic document management processes and main document flows.

EIDAS regulation: the European electronic signature
In 2016, the European eIDAS regulation was deployed; this contributes to creating a digital single market by creating suitable conditions for the cross-border mutual recognition of essential functions (such as electronic identification, the management of electronic documents and electronic signatures, delivery services) and for the interoperability of eGovernment services across the European Union. Particularly, the eIDAS regulation has equated the advanced electronic signature with the qualified digital signature, giving it the same law probative value.
The types of electronic signatures and their probative value

Simple Electronic Signature
Data in electronic form, enclosed or connected by logical association to other electronic data and used by the signatory to sign.
Evidential value
Evidential effectiveness assessed by the judge on a case-by-case basis.

Qualified Electronic Signature
An advanced electronic signature created by a qualified electronic signature creation device based on a qualified certificate for electronic signatures.
Evidential value
Evidential effectiveness of the private agreement (Article 2702 of the Domestic Civil Code), this features “the reversal of the burden of proof”

Advanced Electronic Signature
An electronic signature that meets the requirements of Article 26 of E-idas European Regulation:
-it is uniquely connected to the signatory;
-It is suitable to identify the signatory;
It is created using data for the creation of an electronic signature that the signatory can, with a high level of security, use under his own exclusive control;
-It is linked to the signed data in order to allow the identification of any subsequent modification of such data.
Evidential value
Evidential effectiveness of the private agreement (Article 2702 of the Italian Civil Code)